Reconciliation of structured time series forecasts with graphs

27th June 2023 @ ISF 2023

Mitchell O’Hara-Wild, Monash University

Supervised by Rob Hyndman and George Athanasopolous

Reconciliation of structured time series forecasts with graphs

27th June 2023 @ ISF 2023

Mitchell O’Hara-Wild, Monash University

Supervised by Rob Hyndman and George Athanasopolous

The basics of reconciliation

How many forecasters will attend ISF 2024 and beyond?

Forecast \(\text{Attendees}_{T+h|T}\) with a suitable model and data.

How many attendees are from academia and industry?

Forecast \(\text{Academic}_{T+h|T}\) and \(\text{Industry}_{T+h|T}\) with

suitable models and data.

Something doesn’t add up here…

Independently produced forecasts are incoherent,

\(\text{Attendees}_{T+h|T} \neq \text{Academic}_{T+h|T} + \text{Industry}_{T+h|T}\).

The basics of reconciliation

Impose constraints to ensure coherency

Adjust the forecasts to satisfy the constraint

\(\text{Attendees}_{T+h|T} = \text{Academic}_{T+h|T} + \text{Industry}_{T+h|T}\).

Often we have many constraints, so matrices are used:

\[ \begin{bmatrix} \text{Attendees}_{t} \\ \text{Academic}_{t} \\ \text{Industry}_{t} \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 0\\ 0 & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \text{Academic}_{t} \\ \text{Industry}_{t} \\ \end{bmatrix} \]

or compactly, \(\mathbf{y}_t = \mathbf{S} \mathbf{b}_t\)

“Summing” or “structural” matrices are described in Hyndman et al. (2011).

The basics of reconciliation

Impose constraints to ensure coherency

These matrices are not easy to read, so we use graphs.

The weight of the edges corresponds to the \(\mathbf{S}\) matrix.

The basics of reconciliation

Reconciling forecasts

The L2 optimal way to adjust the forecasts to be coherent is MinT (Wickramasuriya, Athanasopoulos, and Hyndman 2018):

\[ \tilde{\mathbf{y}}_{T+h|T}=\mathbf{S}(\mathbf{S}'\mathbf{W}_{h}^{-1}\mathbf{S})^{-1}\mathbf{S}'\mathbf{W}_{h}^{-1}\hat{\mathbf{y}}_{T+h|T}. \]

where \(\mathbf{W}_{h}=\text{Var}[(\mathbf{y}_{t+h|t}-\hat{\mathbf{y}}_{t+h|t})]\)

There are many other reconciliation techniques and formulations that also work well.

The basics of reconciliation

Reconciling forecasts

Not only are coherent forecasts more reasonable, they are more accurate!

The large matrices can become complicated quickly when considering large collections of coherent time series.

Let’s instead consider graphs.

Hierarchical coherence

Each aggregate has a single constraint

The basic constraint shown before is ‘hierarchical

Hierarchical coherence

Each aggregate has a single constraint

Hierarchical series often have multiple layers

In graph terms, this is known as a polytree.

Grouped coherence

There are many ways to disaggregate a series.

Consider where attendees have travelled from, domestic or international?

What about attendee origin in academia/industry?

Let’s consider the combinations.

Grouped coherence

Considering origin and workplace

Attendance can be disaggregated by both origin and workplace

Grouped coherence

Considering origin and workplace

and then further disaggregated by the other.

A grouped structure has the same top and bottom series.

Grouped coherence

Considering origin and workplace

The grouped structure can be plotted in a single graph.

In graph terms, this is a directed acyclical graph (DAG).

Temporal coherence

A time series can be disaggregated by temporal granularity

Temporal reconciliation is described in Athanasopoulos et al. (2017).

What type of coherence structure is this?

This is a polytree, so this structure is hierarchical.

Temporal coherence

What type of coherence structure is this?

This structure has the same top and bottom series, so

temporal coherence is a grouped constraint.

Temporal coherence

Temporal coherence constraints are grouped can also be represented with directed acyclical graphs (DAGs).

Cross-temporal coherence

Since both grouped and temporal coherence are DAGs, they can be combined into a single DAG.

Graph coherence

A directed acyclical graph does not require a common top and bottom series.

DAGs can describe more general structures than grouped coherence.

Is it reasonable to leverage the full generality of DAGs?

Yes! Let’s see why.

Unbalanced graphs

What if the coherency structure had different bottom series?

This often occurs in these circumstances:

  1. Cross-temporal with series observed at different granularities.
  2. Multiple different approaches to calculating the top series.

  1. Cross-temporal with series observed at different granularities.


Suppose Sales is reported quarterly, but Profit and Costs twice yearly.

  1. Cross-temporal with series observed at different granularities.


This allows the higher frequency Sales data to be used with the less frequent Profit and Costs data!

  1. Multiple different approaches to calculating the top series.


Australian GDP is calculated with 3 approaches:

  • Income approach (I)
  • Expenditure approach (E)
  • Production approach (P)

For simplicity consider a small part of these graphs. The complete graph structure has many more disaggregates.

This example is used in Athanasopoulos et al. (2020).

  1. Multiple different approaches to calculating the top series.
  • Income approach (I)
  • Expenditure approach (E)

  1. Multiple different approaches to calculating the top series.
  • Combined approach (I & E)

Disjoint graphs

What does having different top series mean?

There must be multiple top series.

This often happens if the graph is disjoint.

This can occur for many reasons:

  1. Cross-validation with reconciliation
  2. Partial/local coherency
    (e.g. not including worldwide total)

  1. Cross-validation with reconciliation

It makes no sense to aggregate folds of cross-validation.

A suitable DAG for cross-validated hierarchies is

Each disjoint graph can be reconciled separately.

Graph coherence

DAGs are reasonable (and very useful!)

Graph coherence allows us to describe more general coherence structures, including

  • Disjoint graphs (e.g. cross-validation)
  • Partial coherency (simpler reconciliation)
  • Complex unbalanced graphs
  • Mixed temporal granularity data


Coherence and graph theory

  • Hierarchical coherence is a polytree.
  • Grouped coherence is a restricted DAG.
  • Graph coherence is an unrestricted DAG.

DAGs are a useful tool for representing structured time series and producing coherent forecasts.

What else?

Other benefits

  1. Access to efficient graph algorithms
  2. Visualisation of structured time series
  3. Familiar computing grammar for coherent data

Future work

  1. Integrate graph reconciliation into fable
  2. Explore relationship between graph coherency and general linearly constrained time series (Girolimetto and Di Fonzo 2023)
  3. Investigate alternative graph reconciliation methods

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Athanasopoulos, George, Puwasala Gamakumara, Anastasios Panagiotelis, Rob J. Hyndman, and Mohamed Affan. 2020. “Hierarchical Forecasting.” In Macroeconomic Forecasting in the Era of Big Data: Theory and Practice, edited by Peter Fuleky, 689–719. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Athanasopoulos, George, Rob J. Hyndman, Nikolaos Kourentzes, and Fotios Petropoulos. 2017. “Forecasting with Temporal Hierarchies.” European Journal of Operational Research 262 (1): 60–74.
Girolimetto, Daniele, and Tommaso Di Fonzo. 2023. “Point and Probabilistic Forecast Reconciliation for General Linearly Constrained Multiple Time Series.”
Hyndman, Rob J., Roman A. Ahmed, George Athanasopoulos, and Han Lin Shang. 2011. “Optimal Combination Forecasts for Hierarchical Time Series.” Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 55 (9): 2579–89.
Wickramasuriya, Shanika L., George Athanasopoulos, and Rob J Hyndman. 2018. “Optimal Forecast Reconciliation for Hierarchical and Grouped Time Series Through Trace Minimization.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 114: 804–19.